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Social Media as a Food Brand Marketing Tool (Part 3 – Twitter)

According to, there are 126 million daily users and counting which creates a great audience for your food brand. Using social media as a food brand marketing tool is essential in today’s world. Marketing on Twitter is different than any other social media platform and it is important to understand how to get the most engagement as possible.

  1. Use Contests & Giveaways to Boost Engagement

The way Twitter is set up, contests and giveaways are great ways to not only get great engagement but also boost brand awareness.

Ideas of ways to set up a contest to maximize engagement and views include:

  • Follow to enter
  • Like to enter
  • Retweet to enter
  • Reply to enter
  • Any combination of the above

These tactics are effective because if someone replies or retweets your tweet, their whole following also sees the tweet. This will drastically increase the number of people that see your tweet.

  1. Ask For Engagement

This is a trick that is used less than contests but can be just as effective. This can be used by tweeting something that includes the phrase “retweet if you agree” or “like if you agree” or “reply with your thoughts”. This tactic boosts engagement and can also create a sense that you value your audience’s opinion.

  1. Share Interesting Information and Content

This is the most obvious way to use social media as a food brand marketing tool. Share the information and content that people like. If a Twitter user sees content that they find interesting, they will like the tweet and are more likely to click on your brand’s profile and explore more of your tweets.

If you have any questions or would like to learn more about NewPoint, please reach out to the NewPoint team — interested in more food marketing topics? Please visit our “Intel” page or check out the book: Moving Your Brand Up the Food Chain.

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