
Stop Selling on Social Media

Use social media to connect with your audience, not sell to them.


People trust people—not brands. People connect to humans, not things.

Stop seeing social media as a platform to sell your item or service, and instead as a way to connect with your audience, show them the humans behind the brand. More and more, the personal brand is the company brand.


Don’t take our word for it. See how this outdoor product giant made it work for them:

Take this 6.5 minute Northface Ad, for example. It does everything right.

  • Consumer is hero
  • Consumers made the content
  • Brand helped customers achieve their goals

…And guess what? It’s an AD that has 274,000+ views on youtube
Here is another great example that comes at it from a different angle, showing insight about people behind the brand.


No one goes to social media to be sold to, but of course, there are exceptions to every rule, and you should absolutely be posting content relevant to your brand.  Just be mindful of the social platforms you are using and why your audience is there when creating your social media strategy. This nifty infographic from Spredfast is a good place to start if you need to dive into some audience research before posting.


If you’d like to discuss further how you can stop selling and start connecting on social media, please reach out to the NewPoint team. Interested in more food marketing topics? Please visit our “Intel” page or check out the book: Moving Your Brand Up the Food Chain.

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