
Getting started with stories: Part 5—The follow up

In our blog “Getting started with stories: Part 1” we discussed how Facebook and Instagram stories are growing at 15x the pace of the newsfeed because Facebook algorithms are placing meaningful relationships (cultivated by short, daily stories) over passive content (newsfeed posts). We touched on the breakdown of what type of content to post, and…


Getting started with stories: Part 4—Promotions

In our blog “Getting started with stories: Part 1” we discussed how Facebook and Instagram stories are growing at 15x the pace of the newsfeed because Facebook algorithms are placing meaningful relationships (cultivated by short, daily stories) over passive content (newsfeed posts). We touched on the breakdown of what type of content to post, and…


Getting started with Stories: Part 2—Humanize your food brand

In our blog “Getting started with stories: Part 1” we discussed how Facebook and Instagram stories are growing at 15x the pace of the newsfeed because Facebook algorithms are placing meaningful relationships (cultivated by short, daily stories) over passive content (newsfeed posts). We touched on the breakdown of what type of content to post, and…

shopper looking at food nutrition labeling

How Can Nutrition Labeling Build Brand?

Use Consumer Confusion to Your Advantage According to a recent Nielsen survey, only four in 10 consumers admit to even a partial understanding of nutrition labeling. And that’s not to say anything about their distrust in what they do understand—namely, all the marketing “blasters” food companies slap on their packaging. You’ve seen them. Knowing that they…