Indiana Kitchen

Want to market your brand without marketing your brand? Sponsor a new event that becomes the talk of the town.

Indiana Kitchen is a pork brand based in Delphi, Indiana, and has always operated on a “bacon-first” policy. Step 1: win consumers over with its amazing bacon. Step 2: let the fervor that develops translate into sales for the rest of its premium pork lineup. With a goal to “own its backyard” in north-central Indiana before trying to increase market share across the rest of the state, Indiana Kitchen was looking for a big way to bring its “bacon-first” policy to life locally.

How could we get locals to try Indiana Kitchen bacon in droves while also making them proud of this hometown product? A little bit of bold dreaming was all it took. “Why not create the state’s first-ever bacon fest?” NewPoint asked. So, the scheming took off for a family-friendly event that would transform downtown Delphi into the state’s biggest celebration of bacon. And not just any bacon, but locally sourced, naturally smoked, and perfectly cured bacon.

Now, nine years on, the Indiana Bacon Festival is still running. It is operated by its own community board, and it’s growing bigger every year. With household names for live music and comedy, a climbing wall and carnival games for kids, a mechanical pig to ride, a pig-calling contest and the most unique bacon-inspired food you can imagine, the festival drew more than 12,000 people in 2019 from five different states. Not bad for a city with fewer than 3,000 residents! While the food and activities seem more epic every year, at its core is still a love for a brand of bacon that people walk away more than ready to evangelize about.

event baconfest

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