social funnel

The Social Funnel: Tracking KPIs at every level

There are 4 levels of the social funnel, and at each level, there are ways to track KPIs. Let’s look at what those KPIs are and how best to track them. Awareness Awareness is at the top of the funnel and is pretty easy to track. Because your awareness ads focus on “Getting the word…

prove social media ROI

How to Prove Social Media ROI

How to Prove Social Media ROI In a world of dirty words like “Millennials” and “Boomers,” we’re here to help bridge the gap when it comes to social media ROI. By this point, most everyone knows that social media is important. But just how crucial is it? How can you prove that not only is…


Getting started with stories: Part 5—The follow up

In our blog “Getting started with stories: Part 1” we discussed how Facebook and Instagram stories are growing at 15x the pace of the newsfeed because Facebook algorithms are placing meaningful relationships (cultivated by short, daily stories) over passive content (newsfeed posts). We touched on the breakdown of what type of content to post, and…