Shoppers Journey Purchase

Shopper Journey- Consumer Purchase Stage

Shopper Journey – Consumer Purchase We have now followed our shopper on the shopper marketing journey through 2 phases thus far. We have reached a critical stage in the journey, the consumer purchase stage. As we mentioned in the introduction blog, there are two stages; Point of Purchase and Point of Sale. For marketers to…

Awareness copy

Shopper Marketing – Shopper Journey Stages – Awareness

Shopper Journey – Awareness Stage Now that we’ve established the shopper journey stages, let’s dig in a little deeper to the awareness stage of the consumers’ path to purchase. One thing to remember, the consumer is not necessarily conscious of the fact they are in any of these stages, with the exception of possibly the…

Shoppers Journey V

Shopper Marketing- Shopper Journey

The Stages of the Shopper Journey During a recent meeting with a new client, I asked a very simple question.  “Why would someone buy your product?” The uncomfortable chuckle that followed revealed the typical response we get when we ask this question, “because it’s the best XYZ on the market.”  The conversation continued with, “Okay,…