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One Ingredient. Many Recipe Ideas: Part One: The Spud

Food Brand Recipe Ideas Start with the SPUD!

You are now hunkering down’ at home with your family, your fridge, and your food.
You are relishing in your massive victory—you just scored that last bag of taters on the shelf… now what?
These and other staple items are considered the main ingredient for most meals in which they appear. So, why not jazz them up a little and have some fun with your food! Creative recipe ideas ahead… keep reading.

New recipe ideas and creative ways to use those staple items that are staring at you and your puzzled face.

Starting with the spuds!

Whether you bake ‘em, fry ‘em, smash ‘em, or mash ‘em, I guarantee you won’t get bored with your bag of “victory spuds” once you scour the internet for some creation-innovation. Make a batch of mashed potatoes and you can eat for days and never get bored! Seriously—breakfast, lunch, or dinner—the potato’s got you covered! Here are some starter ideas on what to do with your 5lb bag of goodness.



As we are all spending more time in our home eating in with our family, it’s good to have a little bit of menu inspiration for our otherwise mundane ingredients. Whether you are keeping it old-school, or kicking it up a notch, these recipes will make eating at home feel a little more special.

Below are the links to these great recipes ideas and more!

Hasselback Baked Potatoes
Potato Rings w/Buttermilk Ranch
Cheesy Potato Waffles
Loaded Mashed Potato Cakes

If you are hungry for more recipes, have some of your own, or just have questions, please reach out to the NewPoint team. If you are interested in more food marketing topics, please visit our “Intel” page or check out NewPoint’s book: Moving Your Brand Up the Food Chain.

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