Jun 29, 2019
2019 Summer Fancy Food Show Food Trends Spotlight: Keto Diet Brands
Summer Fancy Food: The Showcase for Food Trends Spotlight
The Summer Fancy Food Show in NYC showcases over 2,500 food companies covering every inch of the cavernous Javits convention facility. Just like my visit last year, this year was eventful and noteworthy.
To say it’s vast would be an understatement. I walked the entire show in 2.5 days – with several loops thrown in – and registered over 20 miles on my Apple Watch. I admit I needed the exercise to offset the fantastic food I was sampling.
How Does a Brand Stand Out?
With this many food companies converging in one place the question soon becomes: how does a brand stand out?
In an industry that has disruption embedded in its DNA, a past trend like ” certified organic” may not be enough to help your brand cut through the clutter this year. For my money, the brands that stood out reflected consumer-driven food trends.
Food Trends Spotlight: Keto Diet Brands
Keto products were prevalent and popular at the Summer Fancy Food Show. Several food companies presented food products that fed the low-carb craze.
Keto and Co
Starting with the best brownie I’ve tasted in a while, Keto and Co (@ketoandco) do a great job of representing the emerging category. Justin with Keto and Co informed me this brownie mix is the best selling brownie mix on Amazon—for all categories. This text from their website sums up energy from the team I met at their booth:
Since 2015 we have been working to make ultra-low carb, tasty, convenient, healthy, affordable keto foods. Our mission is to create keto-alternatives to everything you had to throw out of your pantry when you started keto. Because our products are made by keto people, for keto people, you’ll never see fuzzy carb math or hidden starches.
Here are some other Keto highlights of the show:

Love Good Fats
I admit I’m a sucker for a good story and Love Good Fats (@lovegoodfats) delivers. More than a brand or product development play, CEO & Founder Suzie Yorke embarked on a personal mission to improve her health:
I’ve always loved fats, but for years, I avoided them and neglected good nutrition. I’m a mom, and a triathlete, and my body was not happy. I developed health issues. So I’ve spent the last three years researching nutrition and figuring out the real deal about sugar and fats. This led me to create a ridiculously delicious line of snacks so that North Americans can eat and enjoy good fats!
This kind of mission-driven product development tends to lead to a cleaner label product that not only delivers a genuine Keto-diet product but like Keto and Co at the top of this post that leaves out all the “fuzzy carb math or hidden starches” where a less health-conscious food manufacturer may cut corners.
Look for the rest of my 2019 Fancy Food Show trend highlights in upcoming posts!
If you have any questions or would like to learn more about how to capitalize on trends for your food brand, please reach out to the NewPoint team. If you are interested in more food marketing topics, please visit our Food for Thought page or check out my book: Moving Your Brand Up the Food Chain.