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Creating Food Videos: On-the-Go Like a Pro

Grow your audience and scale your revenue by creating content-rich food videos that captivate your audience. First things first: More time creating does not = better quality video. Period. You can put all the time in the world into creating your 2-minute food videos and making them shine like you’re trying to win the Grammy…

marketyourbrand hrd

Retail Food Buyer Pitch Meeting #6: Market to Drive Sales

The Retail Perspective: The Retail Food Buyer Pitch Meeting Recap: The more we know about what food buyers are looking for in a vendor partner, the better we are at helping our clients. We conducted over 25 in-depth retail food buyer interviews and surveyed several thousand more for my book: 
Moving Your Brand Up the…

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Social Media as a Food Brand Marketing Tool (Part 2 – Instagram)

In today’s world, it is important to be able to use social media as a food brand marketing tool. Instagram has 1 billion active users and 500 million of those users use the social media platform daily (via Instagram). With this number growing every day, Instagram is becoming an attractive platform for marketers.  It has…

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Social Media as a Food Brand Marketing Tool (Part 1 – Facebook)

With around 2.3 billion users, it makes sense that Facebook was polled as the most critical platform for marketers. It has become a necessity to use social media as a food brand marketing tool, and Facebook is a great place to start. According to Social Media Examiner’s 2019 Social Media Marketing Industry Report: 94% of…

Location based food mktg

Location-Based Food Marketing

In a world of smartphones, it is important to stay up to date on all of the marketing trends.  Location-based marketing – which includes food marketing – is a method that is becoming popular due to the number of people that use smartphones.  Smartphones can give information about customers’ locations, so companies use this information…

How to turn Customers into volunteer marketers

Turn Your Customers into Volunteer Marketers

I recently sat in on a presentation by Jay Baer, who gave some really great insight on how to get your customers to willingly tell your story. Organic social content from brands often fails. Facebook is moving away from “broadcasting” and towards social connecting/networking. If your customers aren’t telling it, your story won’t be heard….

groceries online

Shopping for Groceries Online Is the New Normal?

I am one of those weirdos that actually doesn’t mind shopping for groceries… in a store. Am I becoming a ‘relic’? A rare sighting in these modern times? In a world where U.S. consumers who purchased groceries online has jumped from less than a quarter to well over a third in the past year, I…