Forbes Agency Panel

Forbes Agency Council Panel: 10 ‘Old-School’ Marketing Techniques For The Modern Age

10 ‘Old-School’ Marketing Techniques For The Modern Age

I am proud to be a member of the Forbes Agency Council. One of the perks is that I am invited to add my thoughts to an expert marketing panel

These panels provide marketing opinions and viewpoints on a relevant topic from an impressive and diverse expert marketing panel.

In this expert panel, each marketing agency leader provides an ‘old school marketing technique for this modern age.

Here’s my take:

Discounts And Freebies

Never underestimate the power of free. In this day and age of digital content and influencer marketing, nothing drives trial like ‘old-school’ marketing in the form of a free or reduced-price offer. That includes load-to-card and the even more old-school FSI (Free Standing Insert) — direct mail or Sunday newspaper.

An FSI with a strong call-to-action will still pull the same redemption numbers it did 20 years ago. – Patrick Nycz, NewPoint Marketing

There are 11 more viewpoints on this topic. Click through to full article here.

If you have any questions or would like to learn more about new and ‘old school’ marketing expertise can help your company or about NewPoint, please reach out to the NewPoint team — interested in food marketing topics? Please visit our “Intel” page or check out my book: Moving Your Brand Up the Food Chain.

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