coronavirus food industry title image

4 Ways COVID-19 has Impacted the Food Industry

When the pandemic hit the United States back in March, consumers immediately shifted how they regularly shopped for food and beverage items. With such a dramatic shift in behaviors, food brands should pay particularly close attention to these actions and act accordingly. Check out 4 ways COVID-19 has impacted the food industry. 1. Consumers are…

Player Coach Post

Full-Service Food Marketing Firm or Player-Coach?

Player-Coach or Full-Service Food Marketing Firm Running a hard-working, results-oriented full-service food marketing firm and growing food brands wasn’t always my plan. I found myself here by paying attention to what drives me to succeed professionally, which, in turn, is based on something personal. One of my fondest childhood memories is of my grandfather’s A&P…

Food rep meeting with retail category buyer to pitch emerging food brand to regional supermarket or local grocery

3 Questions You Need to Ask Potential Retail Buyers

Congratulations! You did it. You got your foot in the door and now you have a coveted one-on-one meeting with a retail buyer. Often a retail buyer works within a specific product category, such as “protein” or “dry goods” or “frozen.” This person’s main job is saying yes or no to what’s being sold on…

emerging foods conference info

Registration Open for 2nd Annual Emerging Food Brands Conference

Emerging Brands Focus of Food Conference: Get on the Shelf & Stay on the Shelf! I am proud to announce that registration is open for the 2nd Annual Emerging Food Brands Conference! When: October 2nd, 7:30 am to 5 pm Where: Purdue University Memorial Union and the Stewart Center Who should attend: Emerging food CPG (consumer…

Millennials are targeting ethical snack brands.

Snacking Millennials Target Ethical Food Brands

Snacking Millennials Vote with Their Wallets Ethics On the Go, a new report from Culinary Visions Panel’s Mindful Dining Initiative project has some good data for companies looking to position their brands to align with snacking Millennials. SuperMarket News’ Tara Fitzpatrick (@Tara_Fitzie) produced an easy-to-digest (no pun intended) slide show touching on the top data in…

Clean Label Phenomenon

Food Brand Trends: Don’t Ignore the Clean Label Phenomenon

Clean Label Food Trend: Here to Stay The clean label is a food trend that is only going to get bigger. Consumers are spending more time reading labels and voting–with their wallets–to support food brands that are simplifying ingredients and engaging clear labeling practices for their food brand packaging. The quote that stands out the…

male shopper

Local Food Brands Capitalize on Grocery Shopping Male

How can local food brands capitalize on Grocery Shopping Male? This isn’t exactly “new” news but Dad has found his grocery cart and he is not afraid to use it! The grocery shopping male has turned a corner in the marketplace. We’ve seen that an average 49% of men are taking up shopping duties in a…


Can Creative Food Marketing Trigger a Sales Renaissance?

When most manufacturers imagine it’s time to call in some innovative food marketing ideas as a starter fuel for sales, they’re probably on the cusp of launching a new product. But what about when it comes to existing products? Longstanding or even, perhaps, steadfast category leaders? Can an innovative marketing twist alone, without some crazy…