when not to use ROI

3 times you should NOT worry about ROI for social media

How important is ROI for social media? Social media ROI. We’re all obsessed with it. We blog about it constantly. In our last post, we showed you how to calculate real using actual math. But maybe we should be a little less obsessed. Here’s why: First, if you’re treating ROI as a goal, stop it…

Calculate ROI

How to find Social Media ROI with ACTUAL MATH

Yes, you can find social media ROI with ACTUAL MATH First, keep in mind that social media ROI (Return On Investment) is not the goal. It is a measure of efficiency. The purpose of ROI to help make decisions. Focus on business goals first (are you generating the leads you want, getting the shopping cart…

prove social media ROI

How to Prove Social Media ROI

How to Prove Social Media ROI In a world of dirty words like “Millennials” and “Boomers,” we’re here to help bridge the gap when it comes to social media ROI. By this point, most everyone knows that social media is important. But just how crucial is it? How can you prove that not only is…