CPG Packaging

CPG Packaging Innovation Boosts Food Brands

How CPG Packaging Innovation Helps Food Brands Stand Out On The Shelf It is a crazy competitive world out for food brands vying for attention, and the grocery store is one of the hardest places to stand out. Done right, your brand can use CPG packaging innovation to attract shoppers, make your brand stand out,…

potato blog header

One Ingredient. Many Recipe Ideas: Part One: The Spud

Food Brand Recipe Ideas Start with the SPUD! You are now hunkering down’ at home with your family, your fridge, and your food. You are relishing in your massive victory—you just scored that last bag of taters on the shelf… now what? These and other staple items are considered the main ingredient for most meals…

functional foods

Why to Consider Introducing Functional Foods into Your Product Line

One in three US consumers are looking for foods that will help them achieve weight loss or weight management goals. Products marketed as “natural”, “healthy” and “better for you” are capturing the food industry. Now more than ever, people are connecting functional foods with longer, healthier lifespans and acting on it. Consumers are becoming more…

Foodservice trends roundup

Foodservice Trends Roundup for Growth-Minded Food Brands

Growth-minded food brands take note of Foodservice trends Flexitarian influence? Does the term “flexitarian diet” mean anything to you?  I didn’t know either until a few minutes ago. Flexitarian diet is the trendy term for the consumption of plant-based products with a shift to reducing meat consumption. You’d have to be under a rock in…

groceries online

Shopping for Groceries Online Is the New Normal?

I am one of those weirdos that actually doesn’t mind shopping for groceries… in a store. Am I becoming a ‘relic’? A rare sighting in these modern times? In a world where U.S. consumers who purchased groceries online has jumped from less than a quarter to well over a third in the past year, I…

SummerFancyFood KETO

2019 Summer Fancy Food Show Food Trends Spotlight: Keto Diet Brands

Summer Fancy Food: The Showcase for Food Trends Spotlight The Summer Fancy Food Show in NYC showcases over 2,500 food companies covering every inch of the cavernous Javits convention facility. Just like my visit last year, this year was eventful and noteworthy. To say it’s vast would be an understatement. I walked the entire show…

header Things Millennial Infographic  e

From Hot Sauce to Snakes—Who’s Buying What?

As noted on Money.com, “Millennials are stingy when it comes to spending in certain categories. Yet even as they aren’t following in the footsteps of their consumer forebears in terms of embracing big-ticket items like houses and cars, millennials spend far more freely on certain other items compared to older generations.” Here are 10 things…

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Shelf Space and How to Get It: Good Food Expo 2019 Panel

On Friday, March 21st I’m honored to be moderating an expert panel at the Good Food Expo 2019 entitled: “Shelf Space and How to Get It.” Register to attend here. If you’ve been paying attention to this anything I’ve published, you’ve probably noticed that I talk a lot about food buyers. I did it here….

Retail Online Sales MAR Blog

Food Marketing Strategies—Foster Retail and Online Sales

The consumer demands retail strategies to look into new ways to draw customers into their store. But wait, isn’t retail dying? Doesn’t everyone order their stuff online now? While we’re seeing closures from apparel retailers and large brands such as Macy’s, J.C. Penney, and Sears, it’s not necessarily because retail has lost its edge. As…