build your LC

How to build a loyalty club for your food brand

Let’s back up—WHY build a loyalty club for your food brand? Here are a few quick reasons: Loyalty clubs help to keep customers engaged with your brand, which in turn keeps your brand top-of-mind in that buying category. Customers who subscribe to your loyalty club may interact and/or share referrals on social media, or recommend…


3 Tips to Boost Food Brand Trade Show Impact

Food Brand Trade ShowBoost Food Brand Trade Show Impact with These 3 Tips Have you ever been stopped in your tracks by an incredible display or exhibit while walking a trade show? I know I have. It happened to me at the 2019 NRA (National Restaurant Association) trade show in Chicago. The Beyond Meat open…

potato blog header

One Ingredient. Many Recipe Ideas: Part One: The Spud

Food Brand Recipe Ideas Start with the SPUD! You are now hunkering down’ at home with your family, your fridge, and your food. You are relishing in your massive victory—you just scored that last bag of taters on the shelf… now what? These and other staple items are considered the main ingredient for most meals…

brand reconnaissance

Food Industry Marketing Strategies: Brand Reconnaissance

Food Industry Marketing Strategies Begin with Business-to-Business Marketing is any strategy that helps your company build brand awareness and bring your brand together with customers. There are four necessary steps to developing effective food industry marketing strategies, including: Know your audience and the competition. Develop a brand that is relevant to your audience and relative…

TatesBakeShop NPR

An Epic Retail Food Brand Story: Tate’s Bake Shop

Retail Food Brand Story: The Ups and Downs of Kathleen King’s Baking Brand(s) For an entrepreneur like me, How I Built is one engaging podcast. I look forward to hearing the backstories of famous brands from the perspective of the founder. Kathleen King’s story of how she built not one but two cookie brands in…

functional foods

Why to Consider Introducing Functional Foods into Your Product Line

One in three US consumers are looking for foods that will help them achieve weight loss or weight management goals. Products marketed as “natural”, “healthy” and “better for you” are capturing the food industry. Now more than ever, people are connecting functional foods with longer, healthier lifespans and acting on it. Consumers are becoming more…

Player Coach Post

Full-Service Food Marketing Firm or Player-Coach?

Player-Coach or Full-Service Food Marketing Firm Running a hard-working, results-oriented full-service food marketing firm and growing food brands wasn’t always my plan. I found myself here by paying attention to what drives me to succeed professionally, which, in turn, is based on something personal. One of my fondest childhood memories is of my grandfather’s A&P…


Look Into Food Brand Pricing: Part 2 Maximizing Your Consumer

As I touched on in my previous blog in the series, Food Brand Pricing is key in maximizing your business. In my last blog, the strategy I brought up focused more on the competition you face. Now, I’m switching gears to focus more on the consumers and maximizing their willingness to pay (WTP). One reason…